Why Should I Give Money To My Church?

Editor's Note: Though it shouldn't be this way, churches are not 
exempt from the financial crisis in America. Across the nation
churches and ministries are struggling to make their year-end
budgets. With a new generation taking the helm at leading the
church of the future, there are some serious concerns. The next
generation of young adults have been conditioned to give when they
get something out of the giving: buying starbucks helps support
independent coffee growers, buying Tom's shoes gives a pair to a
third world country, etc. Many of these same young adults are
looking at the church and asking, "What product am I getting from

To address this question I had my friend Trevor Marsteller address
why we should give to our local churches. Trevor is a gifted
theologian as well as a young adult. I hope you're refreshed to
hear the truths of Scripture worked out by a leader in the church
of tomorrow. 

You can follow Trevor on Twitter here
Or read his Blog at Arguing With Angels


If you’re a young adult, you may find yourself asking the question, “Why should I give to my church?” You may have answered that question (or heard it answered) in several different ways: I don’t need to give that much. I need the little money I have. I can’t afford to give. I don’t have to give to my church since I give elsewhere. I’ll give later when I have more money.

Notwithstanding the evasive answers that are like dribble from the mouths of young adults like you and I, there are some very good reasons why you should give to your church.

Giving follows receiving

You should give because God gives to you so that you would generously give to others. Paul testifies in 2 Cor. 9:11 that “you will be enriched in every way to be generous in every way.” Have you received anything? Then you should give generously. God doesn’t want you to hoard anything. He structured his provision to not only be received, but also spread.

Giving meets needs

Local churches don’t have money trees growing in the prayer garden; they need financial support. It is appropriate to fund those who tirelessly minister the gospel to our souls (1 Cor. 9:9-14). It’s heartbreaking to see a church struggle when its people don’t provide financial support. Those who labor full time in the ministry will almost always need the financial support of those who aren’t in full time ministry, i.e. the vast majority of the church – you and I.

Giving glorifies God

Think through this exchange of hands: God gives, you receive, you give, another receives, and then what does the recipient do? What is your natural reaction when someone gives you something you need? You thank them. When we give what God has given us, we are putting a match to the fuel of praise that will burn up in thanksgivings that glorify God (2 Cor. 9:12).

Giving benefits us

God has wonderfully orchestrated giving to benefit the recipient and the giver. The extremely poor people in Macedonia begged to take part in an offering to meet the needs of other Christians. They saw giving as something that benefitted them. When we give, we become like the character personified in Ps. 112:9 – “He has distributed freely; he has given to the poor; his righteousness endures forever” (emphasis mine). There is a soul-strengthening, vivifying, gladdening stream that is reserved for givers.

Giving imitates Jesus

“For you know the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, that though he was rich, yet for your sake he became poor, so that you by his poverty might become rich” (2 Cor. 8:9). Jesus gave more than we can imagine so that we would become rich beyond our wildest dreams. If Jesus gave and we call ourselves his people, his Church, we should imitate our Lord and become loving, living examples of our heavenly Benefactor.

I’ve heard it said, “Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also” (Lk. 12:34). So follow your treasure map to that X placed over your heart, cut open that steeled vault, and find a new home for your treasure.

By Trevor Marsteller

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9 Responses to Why Should I Give Money To My Church?

  1. Pingback: Week in Review | Worthy of the Gospel

  2. Pingback: An Ecclesiastical Reformation | Worthy of the Gospel

  3. Trevor, thank you for your work on the [IN CHRIST] PDF. I would like to share it with our church family this week as we are working through John 17. Afterwards, i may want to print it as a banner to display during the remainder of the study. Is that ok with you?

  4. Marcel Saint Laurent says:

    I was raised as a Catholic Christian and taught about the church and their ways. It never really made any sense to me. There are a lot of fundamental idiosyncrasies I could find quarrel with but this notion; the giving of money to the church, is one that truly baffles. When I earn money through my job, I then spend it on what I need to survive in this life. I’ll admit that I spend a lot of money on myself, and probably not enough on others, but whatever I do spend it on, I get something back that I need or want; possessions, sustenance, fulfillment, indulgence. What do I get for giving to the church? Sermons? Repetative rubric? I don’t like the idea that I am paying for lectures on a subject I need little education on. Why should I pay to hear something I already know? That’s all priests do; lecture about God and faith. That’s why I stopped attending church; I don’t need to prove to anyone that I have faith, all that matters to me is that I know it’s there. Attending a public place once a week like clockwork just to show to those around me that I believe in something, and further more paying to do so, is an idea that just seems ridiculous to me. If everyone thought like this, and everyone stopped giving to the church, what would happen to it? Would it cease to function? Would that be so terrible? I don’t believe that God is manifest, spiritually or otherwise, in buildings made by man. I believe that God could be omnipotent, but I am also prepared to believe that he isn’t. I think I might be agnostic, not the christian that my parents want me to be. But shouldn’t it have been my decision all along? Why does it seem acceptable to tell children what they should and shouldn’t believe? Wouldn’t it make more sense to ask them?

    • Carl Hatley says:

      The church should be a place for building one another up. It’s also a place to worship God. We all need that whether we realize it or not.

  5. Pingback: Why Should I Give Money to My Church? | ministry313

  6. Rev. Khokas Osele. says:

    Thank you your labor for the kingdom. Please , we have our Bible study this week, i can i use this material of why we give to our church, if it is okay with you?

    Rev. Khokas osele

  7. Tevin H. says:

    I still don’t understand why I should give to church? Jesus gave to the poor not the established building, because I know the money isn’t going to God, who created you who uses money. Why would god need monetary funds? Why shouldn’t I just cut the middle man and donate directly to the poor to help clothed feed and shelter?

    • Gabe Meiers says:

      Hi Tevin, I was looking to see if there was a good answer to this here. In 1 Cor. 9:7-12 we find good reason to sustain the “middle man”. He/she is more like a soldier that is sustained by his people. They live in the service of the kingdom and are fighting a battle on the church’s behalf. Another point is that giving isn’t necessarily for the building, but rather, for the furtherance of the message of Jesus. I guess I see it this way, I pay the dentist, because he cares for my teeth. How much more should I consider sustaining those who invest themselves in helping me have a healthy relationship with God?

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